The tension is building

Recently i have been smelling my cheese very often. You see i found out that its getting a lot more rotten. the speed of the change is very very fast. Just recently, i found out that there are many tension raising.

The first clue is some very good friends begin to quarrel over matters at office. It may be nothing personal but it leaves a scar in the heart. Hope these people will get over with it. things just got to happen. Evern strong friendship is falling apart in the jungle

The second clue is people of seldom makes mistake makes mistakes very frequently nowadays. Even a very well organized person now cant plan his time.in the past i never seen him forgetting some things but nowadays he can forget and only rememberd if asked.

Third clue is endless weekend work. I am the vistim f this. its been 2 weekends that i have to work but it does not stop there. This weenend and next weekend i have been scheduled to work again. i am very pissed but i am more concern about what my family will think. Its like being robbed off my time. Time have been stolen

Last but not least is positive people are tellig me negative stories. Just few days back, i asked a very positive person (usually) a negative question which is (its before long that every one leaves). his answer suprise me when he said " I will be next".

I really do not know what is happening. i mean how could an organization come down to this stage in such a short time. If the change is for a better future, the faster the better. Now its not the case. My jungle is changing to become worse. Damn this is annoying especially when one is desprate to look for a job and the job is not finding them.



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