Never work too hard. Not worth it

Yesterday i stopped at shell to pump some petrol before i head home. after a long day and its already close to 7.30 my head is beginning to get blur.

I paid RM 30 to the petrol kiosk and placed the nossel into the tank. then i went to the toilet. when i am back, i started my car and drive home... From my story above, what is wrong?

well i forget to renove the nossel before i leave!!! So i actually pulled their pump out. hahahaha

Bloody hell... the idiot in the pump wnna bluff be and asks me to pay RM250. She said the normal price is RM 300. Damn i asked my future sister in law and she aid its only RM 120. usually shell will subsidize a little.

Ah hia... tired day... not really a good day... Dont even know what i was thinking that time... all i know is i was very very blur


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