KEEP your house SAFE for your KIDS!!!

Here is another unfortunate event happened on a kid. read more here (http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2013/1/23/nation/12612642&sec=nation). What is wrong in this world today. there are so many accidents.

For this accident i think its the parents' fault. look at the TV rack below its so unsafe! Don't talk about kids shaking it, even adults might accidentally knock the TV down with their butt... Plus, its reported that this is not the first time the boy shake the rack. Extra attention is required when we knew it would happen.
Anyway the boy is gone. No point blaming anyone for this. Again lets take this as a reminder to all parents to try as much as possible to make our home safe. Never allow your kids to play with anything dangerous.
Well below are some precaution i had taken. I am sure there are more. If any reader have any extra ideas please let me know at the comments. I hope to make my house safer for my 5 years old and 1 year old kid.
  1. Never allow my kids to climb the stairs alone (especially the one year old)
  2. No had one any electrical sockets. i will tell them every time they touch it.
  3. never go to near a tv (its also bad for their eyesight)
  4. Door stopper at their playroom
  5. poisonous, sharp and harmful items are kept out of reach
  6. stick safely rubbery thingy it the sharp edges of any furniture
  7. forbidden to use anything that could ignite flames
  8. No jumping on sofa and beds. Even my bed is the japanese style type which is a very low bed
Well thats all i could think of now. Let me know if there are any more items which could cause harm to my kids.


Lost Kid

You know Malaysian parents tend to have a very bad habit of leaving their kids in the car unsupervised. It may be just for a minute or 2 but i think this is a habit that every responsible parents need to break.

Now only god knows where he is. i sure pray for William's safety. He must be trembeling in fear right now as we speak. Just thinking about would make anyone heartache. i am sure the most heartbroken person must be his parents

Lets take other's unfortunate events as a reminder for ourselves to protect our kids. I promise i will never leave my kids unsupervised especially in public areas. If my wifey is reading this please do so too although you never done it. Let take is as a reminder.

Those with information on William or his whereabouts can contact Sjn Goh Lai Than at 03-5631 9800 or 012-2197133 or William's father, Yau Kok Kang at 016-969 1616

Anyway thestar.com.my (http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2013/1/23/nation/12613195&sec=nation) reported that police will intensify the search and as i hear it from Mix.fm its already the 7th day William is lost.

Lets all pray for his safety

Its been a while! Life without internet

Well its been a while since i last blogged... Many things had happened but i could not recall any of it so i cant blog. Anyway i joined a new company which had blocked all blogging and my new house have no internet connection YET! thats why i cant even blog

Life without internet is really bad. I cant play online games. FYI Ragnarok 2 is up and running. on their launch date 3rd Jan i spent 4 hours in Mc donalds but due to the massive traffic, i cant play at all.

My last post was on expecting a new family member and now he is already 1 year old... that means i have not been blogging for more than a year... OMG!!!

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