Lost Kid

You know Malaysian parents tend to have a very bad habit of leaving their kids in the car unsupervised. It may be just for a minute or 2 but i think this is a habit that every responsible parents need to break.

Now only god knows where he is. i sure pray for William's safety. He must be trembeling in fear right now as we speak. Just thinking about would make anyone heartache. i am sure the most heartbroken person must be his parents

Lets take other's unfortunate events as a reminder for ourselves to protect our kids. I promise i will never leave my kids unsupervised especially in public areas. If my wifey is reading this please do so too although you never done it. Let take is as a reminder.

Those with information on William or his whereabouts can contact Sjn Goh Lai Than at 03-5631 9800 or 012-2197133 or William's father, Yau Kok Kang at 016-969 1616

Anyway thestar.com.my (http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2013/1/23/nation/12613195&sec=nation) reported that police will intensify the search and as i hear it from Mix.fm its already the 7th day William is lost.

Lets all pray for his safety


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