Countdown to my wedding. 3 days to go

Well, its just days away from my wedding and i have a very complicated feeling about it. Mixed feeling i would say. you see i am feeling excited and worried at the same time. I am also nervous but looking forward to it. I had done many things as preperation but at the same time thinks that i might miss out something.

I would like to ask many people if i missed out anything but i have to one to ask. Well now all i could do is have my fingers crossed and hope everything goes smoothly. Its a one in a life time event and i do not wanna spoil it. It will haunt me for the rest of my life.

I am also worried about my wife who dislike attention. she will always run away if she is in the spot light. I made a promise to her that i will hold her hands throughout the event. i will never let go!

This hand of hers shall remain stucked to mine and i all carry all her weight.
I promise! Its a promise of a lifetime without expiry date


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