More jobs...

Many things had changed i wrote my blog. I was too busy with my work. What am i busy of? well i had been assigned many jobs. Why? because my new boss said he is overloaded and since i am a senior i must help him.

Tasks that had been assigned to me? Well i had been recruited to follow up on some franchise programs, Managing and leading an exhibition team, Managing and maintaining sales of Central and East malaysia region, Training my fellow collegues and handling promotional items.

Its easy for a boss to say that he is overloaded and pass the jobs down. HEY!!! i have no subordinates to pass the job lower and so i will have to do it myself. Here are the problems i faced:-

Recruited into franchise things took up much of my time. I will have to give talks to intrested candidates. I have to work on weekends and ignore my family. i will have to follow up with the franhisees that had been approved.

LEading exhibition team is another difficult task. You see in my team is filled with spies. there are many people that had been assigned by "the wolf" in my team and every of my action is being watched. to make matters worse i am just a puppet that act between the actual tasks and the wolf. At any time i might be put on the table and serve as a scrapegoat.

Maintaining sales is worse. i cant even find time to be on the field. how can i maintain it? without knowledge of the actual market i cant really plan proper strategies to cater to the market. No intellegence = bad decisions. this is the "thing" that had been happening. its just the matter of time before something happen

Training... sigh... back to my old portfolio. it is because i dislike training that causes me to request to be back to Business Development and leave HR. Now they just throw the job to me. Now i will have to spend time researching on how to train well and worse i am in a 3 man team which consist of My boss, a training manager and myself. Being the lowest rank i have no say and have to do most of the leg work!

Handling promotion matter is very dangerous. i am stepping on the line between land and hell. if i do things right, its expected. if i did things wrong i will be very heavily blamed. If i forget something 10 million people will shoot me down. my future is at risk

You see many things are happening and without proper information, i will have to be very cautious with what i am doing. Unlike the pasts where i have 2 bosses that will inform me if something happens now i will have to think about every step i take. Who is friend and who is foe? i will have to make my own judgement with minimum information. what is the best strategy? currently i work on this objective " Do less, less problem. Less talk, less mistake. minimum decisions, minimum issues."

Do only what is asked of you. nothing more nothing less. Make fiends and sleep with the enemy. less enemy, less danger, more information. Man i am totally a coward now. Every time i tie my tie at work i put on an invisible mask which hurts my heart and press down on my emotion. I hate lifes like this and sometimes my poor family member will have to get it from me when i can handle my emotion.

I am now a worn out man. i need a new job to recharge myself. I cant leave without a job because there are 2 more people that will die of hunger with me. I will survive. If you have such experience do share with me. i wanna learn from everyone too


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