Is the fair successful?

Well i had been making a rough calculation on monday and i had figured out that the fair is not successful this year. Why do i say that? simple.

We made more transactions this year but the goods are a lot cheaper. so after selling so hard, we cant even make enough to beat last years record. I recorded 16,000 last year with minimum budget and less products.

Last year i only have no more than 20 SKUs and this year i have about 70 SKUs yet its less. Why? because the selling price is too cheap. You see at treats fair, everyone's motive is to burn points. they basically dont care about the price. My selling price last year was about RM100 per item but this year its only RM 40.

In other words, i need to double my effort to hit higher sales.

Well, with such results i am sure the wolf will say something and push the blame to me.I hope whatever preperation that i had prepared is sufficient to defend myself. Dont worry i will update you guys when i have the results. Just be patint and maybe you will be able to learn more about office politics from my experience


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