Blogging about sex & Malaysian English very kau lat

You know blogging about sex will always bring traffic to your blog. This is not a statement that I made up but its supported with documents. Try dailychilli for example. Their write-ups about sex have very huge feedbacks.

Anyway what I am more amaze is how Malaysians react to such write-ups. You see the Malaysian English is more sophisticated compared to normal English. We have multi-racial combinations towards the comments and it really makes the comments worth reading.

Funny in one sense but some are also true. The commenter really made my day. I was alone at my cubicle reading those comments and started laughing about all the comments. That had caused me to comment as well.

I read several write-ups but what really captured my attention is their write-up about “Sex twice a week keeps men healthier” (http://www.dailychilli.com/news/1785-sex-twice-a-week-keeps-men-healthier), “10 places where women want to be touched” (http://www.dailychilli.com/news/554-10-places-to-touch-a-women ), and “Why Should you have sex everyday” (http://www.dailychilli.com/news/1084-why-you-should-have-sex-everyday ). These are evidence that blogging about sex will increase traffics. Hey, today these are the most emailed article leh!

The write-up is nothing uncommon. The commenter are more lively. The usage of Malaysia English is very much not in the dictionaries. It’s a mixure of Chinese Dialects, Malay words and some metaphors that only Malaysian will understand.

Anyway I think I should write more about sex since its getting more attention. Maybe this way, I would get more traffic to my blog?


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