Promotion? I should be excited...

After 5 years of work, i finally got promoted to Assistant Manager being in charged of Central Region and East Malaysia. Anyway i thought i would be excited about my promotion but it seems not enough

You know, over the past few days i had been thinking what might cause this? why am i not so excited about it? i had been hoping for it since 2 years ago...

Finally i got a conclusion. IT CAME TOO LATE.. Of course i am happy about the promotion but it just seem not enough excited. As i think more, if the promotion came 2 years ago, i would have jump up and told the world i made it!

But when i got the news that i will be promoted from a very reliable source, i did not put much hope on it. I never told anyone except my wife.

Well... anyway its true i am promoted... i should be glad about it


e t h a n said...

Bro, just take it. Remember the saying, ' BETTER THAN NOTHING ' !! Grats anyway.. I'll see you there in 5 years time? Haha

Di Best said...

human beings are funny creatures.....we are seldom contented....just thank God and do your best! Cheers! and Congrats! I always knew you could and would make it.

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