She's Gonna be 2 on Monday

Like many might have known, this coming Monday marks my second anniversary being a father. Well life had been tough throughout these 2 years but with the support from my wife it had been easier.

If you ask me, will i be able to take good care of my baby if i am alone? well the answer is never. I knew that by saying this "SHE" might be proud of her achievement but its ok. Fact is Fact...

Anyway Shuen had been growing well. though now she dont know much vocabulary but she is catching up. I could hear new words everyday and (had my fingers crossed) hopefully i will be able to chat with her

I dont know about others but i can tell you i am very proud to be a father. Life may have its ups and downs but your family will always be there for you. Everyday after a tired day at work, i get a recharge by kissing my wife or baby when i am home. It feels good to be alive.

Our life? Simple... Work, Come home, kiss them, take bath, eat, play, enjoy some moments together, enjoy some time alone, cover blanket for each other, good night kiss, sleep and repeat the same this tomorrow.Simple, enjoyable & Living.

I pray each day and hope we have the same tomorrow everyday.


e t h a n said...

I need a baby just like you.. sweet!

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