Are there anything in Malaysia Employment law which goes against Working on weekends?

I had been thinking that are we protected by law? You see i am currently working in an organization that is victimising me and always forcing me to work on weekends. If there are any HR experts who knows somthing about this please tell me what can i do?

I am forced to work during weekends without compensation or replacement leaves. I understand that Employement ACT 1955 says that there must at least be one rest day for employees in a week and we cant work fr more than a certain amount of hours. BUT unfortunately i also understands that this act only protects those whose their salary is below RM 1500 or those who are doing manual work

PLEASE i am begging for some expert to tell me or redirect me to a path of light which i could use it to defend myself. I cant be working 19 days straight. I dont want to be victimized


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