Magic the gathering: Reminds me of my days at highschool

I still remember the days where i spend money and time playing this game with my classmates. If i do remember correctly, few friends of mine who played this game with me are Ewan, Alvin Lim, Hyon Le, Hian Quan and many more. We spend almost the whole day together playing this game.

Well for myself, i have prepared many decks and I always loved my black deck. You see i love seeing my classmates getting frustrated when i terror their creatures and how i resurrect my dead creature from the graveyard.

When i play black, my objective is to finish the game fast because black needs lots of sacrifice. before i lose all my creatures, its better that i kill them fast.

All my decks are made in a standard format where i have 20 lands in every deck. if i am combining more than one colour, i will have a maximum of 2 colours.

I also loved to see my friends when i play my white deck. Man it was great. You guys heard of the card worship? well its an enchantment card where as long as i have creatures in play my life will never go less than 1. Putting this with a combo of a enchant creature card which prevents all damages done to the creature and then add "Mask of Law and Grace" which protects the creature from black and red spells. the moment this combo is out, the eyes of my classmates will fall especially if they are playing black or red. Just to be on the safe side, i have 2 worship, the prevent damage card (i think its invincible) 4 and Mask of law and grace 2. this way i seriously wont die

I also have a combo of Red and green where i have 4 disintegrate cards, and other cards that deals damage directly to the player. the motive of this combination is to allow green to boost mana and red to deal direct damage. This deck is made with lots of elves with low casting costs and these elves could be tapped for mana. combine this with a green land card (gaea's Cradle)which gives you 1 mana for each creature you own in play. then combine with red creatures which are not effected by summoning sickness to attack fast.

Of all colours i just cant play blue. i am not good at planning counters. well my younger brother Hock Seong loved this colour. he really get me mad with all the counters and returning creatures and enchantments to owner's hands. Hyon Le is also another brat who loves counter.

Among my friends, i have decks of all the other four colours (except blue because i gave all the blue cards to my bro), Ewan have all colours which he modifies all the time, Alvin loves to play red and loves to anger people by destroying lands.

Man those were the days. Yesterday while i was tidying my house i found my decks back and i really wanted to play the game again. i have been searching high and low for a game of magic so that i can play them whenever i have free time. i spent mush time looking for this game (software) to play but in vain.

There is also this collegue of mine (new BDE) who also plays this game. Hope i can really find this game so that i can duel AI. i remember vendors used to sell a Magic game but i forgotten its name


Whitney said...

lol i remember standard 6 in primary school when all the boys are addicted and us girls just couldn't understand the game... ahaha
but it's fun to watch them scream and shout for a few piece of paper cards!

Kenny said...

HAHAHA! Thank goodness i am in a boy's school, else ther might be some girls who will just laugh at me...

CliffHanger said...

I got engaged at the tender age of 19 so I am still very into magic. The great thing is so is my soon to be wife. She is better at it than I am. I really enjoy playing the game and I'm glad that it's something unique we share.

Summerblue said...

hey dude, if u still wanna play, we have a regular playgroup on sat, contact me at my email baihai81@msn.com

PS:most of us are working adults, so ya... :)

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