What is life like after marriage?

I simple sentence to describe the life is " Sometimes heaven, Sometimes Hell"

You might ask when is it heaven? Well lets talk about the good thing first. Here is a very good scenario to describe. You arrive home after a shitty day at work. The moment you step out of your car, you heard a sweet sound calling "Ah Pa!". when you look at your door, there you have it! you loved ones (Your Wife, Your Daughter) standing there waiting for the moment you step home. Its a moment money cant buy.

When is it hell? The bad side? Not really something you would like to share but just to give you bachelors out there something to be prepared. Here's a scenario. You return home after a shitty day and the moment you reach home, Your wife and daughter is at home and your baby is crying. The next moment you realised that you baby had just pooed and will have to change diapers. Then you realized that there are laundries that needs to be done and there are tons of office work that due tomorrow.

You see its not always bad. I feel happy about my married life all the time and loved it. Here is a list of why do i like my married life
  1. When you feel sad you have your wife to share
  2. When you feel sad you baby come and sayang you
  3. When you feel demotivated you have your commitment to push you through shitty times
  4. You have something to look forward to everytime the office hours ends
  5. when you go shopping with your family, you wont get bored because the baby can keep you busy
  6. Your baby makes you smile
  7. Your wife help you to think things through
  8. Every now and then your wife will bake a cake and your family can share
  9. When you meet with your friends, you can bring your wife out and be proud about it
  10. Whenever people says you baby is cute you are proud. (although they dont really mean it)
  11. You baby will do funny things that makes you happy and angry at the same time. (Example: Your baby just spilled powder on the floor but when you scold her she gives you a sweet smile and wave her hands like saying hello"
  12. Your baby can give you wife a good massage
  13. You have a purpose for every ringgit you earn
  14. you will be more stable and not impulsive when you make decision
  15. You are known as the man of the house

This time i will just stop at 15. maybe next time i will share more when i have the time to blog. Stay tuned for my next episode.

Oh ya. One more good thing is that you baby is the cure to all your sadness. It is also the factor for your mood of the day. If you baby destroy you morning, your day will be like shit. If she gives you a very good morning, then i am sure you will be energetic for the rest of the day


Di Best said...

This is coming from another married man.
There are many external factors to everything. You may blame it on people like your wife, daughter, boss or nasty colleague. Or you may blame it on things or circumstances like your lousy car break down.
Bear in mind that those are all things that you cannot directly control. But you can always manage them. What's the secret? You need to control your mind (your feelings/your emotions). I'm sure you've heard of this saying, "no one can make u angry, if u dun wanna be angry.

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