I am a standout in life

Usually, i am a person who lives on a very low profile life until i worked in my current company. How do i stand out? It only happens when there are shits happening and no one wants to do the dirty job.

Over the four years in this company, i often standout as the problem solver or the sacrificial goat.

The story goes back to the days when i was new. There was this one time where i am required to comeback immediately from Jitra Kedah just for a lousy meeting. Yup a day trip! i left KL at 730am and reached the destination at 1pm. the moment i am there my ex-manager called and ask me to come back immediately after training. I finish my training at 7pm and reached home at 12am. the meeting is at 9am tomorrow morning. This story says how i standout as a last minute person and how flexible i am

There was also this one time where the company decided to reduce the budget for their catalogue. I was then i standout as the male model for the catalogue. Yup i am a model... cant believe it isn't it? Well i was in 2 catalogues to be exact. Anyway i have hell a lot of problem after that because my outlet staffs kept calling me to confirm if thats me

Then, maybe because i am a standout, the company decided to transfer me to training department and assist the Assistant training manager to develop this new department. and so i was transfered to that department and worked for 1 year there. When i was there i often standout as the speaker and most people loved my presentation. This proves how i standout in terms of charisma

Because i am a standout, many collegues of mine begin to be jealous of me and plan for my downfall. I had been ridiculously framed many time but still i survive. This shows how i standout as a survivor

Over time, i had been increasingly stand out among the crowd and now i am often required to solve people's problem and many loves to talk to me when they are down.this shows how i standout as a friend.

Because i am such a standout, i often also got myself into problem. Just like yesterday, i was given a 6 hours notice and need to travel North for some lousy roadshow. Well do you think i am a standout? I do especially if it comes to problem solving. I almost think that sometimes i am a SUPERMAN!


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